Sky for linux english

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Getting started with Sky for Linux Ubuntu

After you have installed Sky for Linux with the command sudo apt-get install sky

Click Show Applications at the bottom left of the desktop.

Then type SKY in the search field.

Logging on

  • Email:
  • Password: Your UiB password

If SKY is unable to autoset the server settings by default you will have to click on the cogwheel icon and select options.

Then choose connections and then fill in external server field with:

When you are logged in, you proceed to use the program in the same manner as you would use a Skype for Business program.

Note! The IT department only supports the use of Sky on Ubuntu version 18.04.

Learn more?

UiB offers free courses to its employees who want to learn more about Skype for Business. E-læringskurs UiB

The University of Tromsø has good help pages that go deeper into Skype for Business for Windows. Windows - Skype for Business