
Fra IThjelp

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This issue sounds like it could be related to **permissions, session handling, or caching issues** in your Drupal site. Here's a systematic approach to investigate and resolve the problem:

      1. 1. **Check Permissions for Non-admin Roles**
  - There might be a missing or misconfigured permission that is preventing non-admin users from logging in.
  - Go to `People` → `Permissions` (`/admin/people/permissions`) and review the **authenticated user** and **anonymous user** permissions. Ensure that the **"Access site"** permission is correctly configured for non-admin users.
      1. 2. **Check Drupal's Error Logs (and Web Server Logs)**
  - Since users are getting a 500 error, check the **Watchdog logs** in Drupal:
    - Navigate to `Reports` → `Recent Log Messages` (`/admin/reports/dblog`).
    - Look for any specific error messages related to the 500 error when a non-admin tries to log in.
  - Also, check your web server’s error logs (e.g., Apache or Nginx) for any PHP errors or permission issues.
    - On Red Hat-based systems, these might be located in `/var/log/httpd/error_log` or `/var/log/nginx/error.log`.
      1. 3. **Session or Cookie Issues**
  - Since deleting the browser cache and cookies temporarily resolves the issue, it suggests there may be a problem with **session management** or **cookie handling** for non-admin users.
  - Check if there's a mismatch in session handling for non-admin users. Look at your `settings.php` file or related configuration files for session/cookie configurations that might differ between admins and other users.
  Also, ensure that the `session.gc_maxlifetime` setting in your PHP configuration is reasonable and that there’s no aggressive session cleanup happening for non-admin users:
  session.gc_maxlifetime = 1440  ; // Adjust as needed (in seconds)
      1. 4. **Clear Cache and Rebuild Permissions**
  - Sometimes, caching issues can cause inconsistent behavior between different roles.
  - Clear the cache by using Drush:
    drush cr
  - You can also **rebuild permissions** using the following Drush command:
    drush php-eval 'node_access_rebuild();'
  This will ensure that the permissions table is correctly rebuilt for all users.
      1. 5. **Check for Custom Code or Modules**
  - If there are any **custom modules** or third-party modules that are modifying the login process, session handling, or user permissions, they could be causing this issue.
  - Temporarily **disable custom or contributed modules** related to login or authentication and test the behavior.
  - You can disable a module via Drush:
    drush pm-uninstall module_name
      1. 6. **Check for Role-specific Caching Issues**
  - **Admin users** often bypass cache mechanisms, which may explain why they aren't affected by the issue.
  - Check if there's any role-specific caching (for non-admin users) that could be causing login issues.
  - If you have a caching module or system in place (such as **Varnish**, **Redis**, or **Drupal internal page caching**), clear or adjust the caching settings for non-admin users.
      1. 7. **Review .htaccess or Security Configurations**
  - Review your `.htaccess` file or security-related configurations that might treat admin and non-admin users differently.
  - Look for rules or directives that may impact session cookies, HTTP headers, or requests for non-admin users.
      1. 8. **Upgrade Drupal and Modules**
  - If you're running an older version of Drupal, there may be known bugs or security fixes related to login handling for specific roles.
  - Ensure you’re running the latest version of Drupal core and modules. You can update using Drush:
    drush up
      1. 9. **Debugging with Devel Module**
  - If the issue persists, consider using the **Devel module** to get detailed information during the login process for non-admin users.
  - The Devel module can display database queries, memory usage, and other debug information that might give insights into what’s causing the issue for non-admins.


By systematically checking permissions, caching, session handling, and module configurations, you should be able to identify the root cause of the issue. Let me know how it goes or if you need help with any of the steps!